

  • 时间:2024-07-16


Traveler: What time the next bus leave?游客:下一班巴士什么时候发车?Desk clerk: 9:OO.Dont worry.miss,we have buses every 15 minutes.接待员:9点,不用担心,小姐。我们巴士每15分钟发一次车。

Do you have any plan for the approaching summer holiday?暑假就要到了,你有什么计划吗?Im going to travel in Sydney for 2 weeks after resignation.辞职之后我要去悉尼旅游两个月。

有关旅游英语的对话篇1 Kate: I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport.我最讨厌在机场等著转机了。Zhang Hong: Really? I think its interesting.真的吗?我倒觉得挺好的。

关于两人旅游英语对话一 K:Oh, Evan! Im sorry. Youre soaked to the skin.凯西:哦,艾凡!我很抱歉。你全身都溼透了。E:So are you. Were lucky to find this old hut even as run-down as it is.艾凡:你也是。这间老旧的小木屋虽然很破烂,但是能找到它我们也算很幸运了。

SHARON: First I want to look in the travel guide.雪伦:我先看看旅游指南。Maybe they dont have tours in the morning.很可能早上不开放参观。STUART: Thats a good idea. Do you want some more coffee?史都尔:那倒是。


1、关于旅游的英语情景对话篇1 K:Gee, this land is so flat!凯西:咦,这里的地真是平坦!E:The Netherlands literally means the down lands, which of course means the lowlands.艾凡:荷兰字面上的意思是洼地,当然就是低地的意思。

2、旅行英语情景对话1 Clerk:Good afternoon, Peace Hotel, what can I do for you?柜台服务员:下午好,这里是和平旅馆。我能帮您吗?Guest:I have made a reservation for this Sunday. My name is Bily.客户:我已经预订了间周日的房间,我叫毕比。

3、旅游英语情景对话短文篇1 K:Aw, I dont want to leave, Evan.凯西:噢,艾凡,我不想走。E:Nor do I, but we have to get going. Can you believe its been three weeks here already?艾凡:我也不想啊,但是我们还是得走。

4、旅行社英语情景对话1:A: Good morning. Can I help you?早上好。需要什么帮助吗?B: Morning. Id like to create a travel itinerary.早上好。我想做个旅行计划。A: Where do you want to go?请问您想去哪儿?B: I have no idea. But I hope to visit the seaside.没想好。


有关旅游英语的对话篇1 Kate: I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport.我最讨厌在机场等著转机了。Zhang Hong: Really? I think its interesting.真的吗?我倒觉得挺好的。

英文表达:Could you book a ticket for me?中文翻译:你能帮我订一张票吗? 预定酒店 英文表达:Id like to book a room in your hotel.中文翻译:我想在你们酒店预订一个房间。 准备行李 英文表达:Im packing for the trip.中文翻译:我正在打包准备出发。

关于去旅游的英语对话一 A:I hear you are planning to travel abroad.A:我听说你要到国外去旅行。B: Yes. Im going to the Untied States for travel. What places do you recommend?B:是的,我要去美国旅游。

Do you have any plan for the approaching summer holiday?暑假就要到了,你有什么计划吗?Im going to travel in Sydney for 2 weeks after resignation.辞职之后我要去悉尼旅游两个月。

坐车 A:I’d like to go to the airport.请送我去机场。B:Certainly, sir. I’ll call for a taxi.好的,先生。我给你打个电话。乘飞机 A:May I have your passport and ticket, please?可以给我您的护照和机票吗?B:Sure, here they are.好的,给你。



2、出入境英语对话短文一 A:Passport, please.请看一下护照。B:Sure. Here it is.是的,在这。A:Are you on a business trip or a pleasure trip?你是商务旅行还是观光?B:Im here for sightseeing.我是来观光的。

3、Wheres the tourist information center?Wheres the tourist information center? (旅游信息问讯处在哪儿?)Sorry, Im a stranger here, too. (对不起,我也不是本地人。

4、【出国住宿常用英语口语】我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。Ill arrive late, but please keep my reservation.我在台北已预订房间。I made a reservation inTaipei.我的名字是王明明。My name is Wang Ming-Ming.我想要一间安静一点的房间。Id like a quiet room.我想要楼上的房间。

5、do you have in mind?你想要什么价格?结论:在出国旅游中,语言是大家首先需要考虑的问题。本文提供了多方面的英语对话,希望可以帮助到大家,让每个人都可以畅游无忧,享受旅途的美好。出国旅游不仅是一次旅行,更是一个文化交流的过程,我们应该尊重当地的风俗习惯,与当地居民进行友好的沟通交流。

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